The first day was a complete success, leaving everyone in the group very happy and relieved! We chose the topic of “Soap” and straight away we got into planning and designing some unique experiments to carry out! As we have only four people in our group, we divided into pairs and allocated work to each pair. The work consisted of everyone writing up experiments and preparing them. Carolina and I set straight to work on the first experiment. The aim of this experiment was to compare the effect of different soaps on the breaking down of oil. Meanwhile Paulo and Matilde were working very hard, by doing the tricky process of making soap. Unfortunately the soap wasn't a complete success yet it was fun to attempt.
Below our some photos from our first day!
Day 2
The day began with us having a discussion in our group as to what experiments we were going to carry out. Paulo and Matilde completed an experiment which they began on the first day. The aim of that experiment was to test soaps for phosphates, to see whether they are environmentally friendly.While Carolina and I began to design another experiment for chemistry. We decided to compare natural and synthetic dyes by chromotography. This relates to soaps, as dyes are used in many soaps. For the natural dyes we went around the school and collected a soft red leave and a dark red flower to crush up. As for the snythetic dye we used a premade one. Overall the experiment was a success and we discovered that out of the two solutions tested (ammonia and water), water was more successful as a solvent than ammonia. Also the natural dyes had a wider array of hues than the synthetic one. After this, Matilde, Carolina and I began the fun experiment of recreating some scents which could be used in soaps using natural resources (the soft red leave and the dark red flower we used in the chromatography experiment). The process of creating them went well, if only their smell was nice!
Below is our final presentation. Hope you enjoy it!
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