Group 4

Day 1

Everybody enjoyed the first day! We chose the topic Hygiene and got straight into planning our investigations. After allocating work to every member of the group we set off to write up the experiments and prepare them. Whilst Leonora and I worked on an experiment to compare diversity of bacteria between the boys bathroom and the girls bathroom, Antonio and Dani were working hard on their investigation which had the aim of comparing viscosity between different toilet cleaners. Diogo was busy the whole time with his challenging experiment which he didn't manage to complete and therefore details of them will be written next time.
Here are some photos of our day. They speak for 100 words :D

Day 2

On the second day we started immediately the experiments because we had already written them down on the previous day. Antonio and Dani worked on the cress seed experiment to investigate whether different cleaning products had an effect on the growth of the seeds. Joao Pedro and Leonora were investigating whether different heights of the flush system affects the pressure of water. We did this by constructing a model flush system as shown in the photo.

Diogo worked on his titration experiment once again which finally worked so his perseverance paid off his hard work. We also did an experiment to investigate how different soaps eliminated a different area of bacteria inside a petri dish.

Day 3

On our last day of the group 4 project we all worked quite hard in putting everything together. This included finishing the write ups and the short film, taking final photos and recording results as well as talking to each other about every experiment so that we all know what the group did. We out of time so we better get cracking on with our final details. Hope you enjoy!
